Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual Harassment:
Imhotep Institute Charter High School will not tolerate sexual harassment activity by any member of the school community. The Institute defines sexual harassment as: unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, and other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that substantially interferes with a student's performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school environment.
Other unwelcome conduct that can be consider sexual harassment includes but is not limited to:
- Verbal - unwelcome conduct such as the use of suggestive, derogatory, or vulgar comments; the use of sexual innuendos or slurs; making unwanted sexual advances, invitations, and/or comments; pestering for dates; making threats; and/or spreading rumors about or rating others as to their sexual activity or performance; threats/demands/pressure to submit to sexual requests in order to keep academic standing or to avoid other loss, and/or offers of benefits in return for sexual favors.
- Visual - unwelcome conduct such as the display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures, posters, written material, cartoons, or drawings; the use of graffiti, texting and/or computer-generated images of a sexual nature; and/or the use of obscene gestures or leering.
- Physical - unwelcome conduct such as unwanted touching, pinching, kissing, patting, or hugging; the blocking of normal movement; stalking; sexual acts or assault; and/or physical interference with work or study directed at an individual because of the individual’s actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Title IX:
Each student and employee has a right to learn and work in an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination. No student or employee shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity or expression.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is one of several federal and state anti-discrimination laws that ensure equality in education. Title IX prohibits discrimination, harassment, exclusion, denial, limitation or separation based on sex or gender. Title IX applies to both male and female students in any educational institution receiving federal funding.
Title IX compliance concerns should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator:
Rose Munga-Kioko
6201 N. 21st St.
Philadelphia, PA 19138
Phone: (215) 438-4140
Fax: (215) 438-0815