Yondr at the Tep!
Dear Parents,
We are writing to share the exciting news that we will be making our school a phone-free space to improve teaching and learning. We are using a system called Yondr to achieve this goal.
We believe that cellphones have great utility. We also find that learning and social behavior improve drastically when students are fully present and engaged with their teachers and classmates.
In 2019, Yondr surveyed over 400 school partners to measure the effects of their phone-free learning environments. These schools achieved notable progress in multiple areas:
- 69% of schools saw an improvement in academic performance
- 84% of schools saw an increase in student engagement in the classroom
- 80% of schools saw a decrease in behavior referrals
Yondr is currently used across the world in over 1,000 schools, at concerts, comedy shows, weddings and special events of all kinds. The goal of these spaces is to encourage people to engage with each other and their surroundings.
The Yondr Program employs a simple, lockable pouch that stores a cellphone. Every student will secure their phone in a personal Yondr pouch as soon as they arrive at school each morning. They will maintain possession of their phones, and will not use them until they are unlocked at the end of the school day. Students are required to bring their Yondr pouch to and from school each day and are responsible for their pouch at all times. We will begin using Yondr procedures on September 23, 2019. Yondr will only be successful if we have family support. In an effort to best serve your child, we appreciate your full support in adoption of the Yondr Program at our school.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 215-438-4140. Also, please attend our upcoming back to school night on September 26, 2019. Asante Sana!
In Service of Our Youth,
Brother Andre Noble
Director of Operations

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I want to reach my child during the school day?
We want our students to be engaged in their learning. Please refrain from contacting your student during the school day unless it is an emergency. Contact the main office at 215-438-4140 to reach your child.
What if there is an emergency?
In case of an emergency, we direct our students to safety first. School staff will be able to unlock a Yondr pouch in a matter of seconds for students once they are in a safe and secure location.
Will my student’s phone be safe?
Students are in possession of their phone - in their Yondr pouch - for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks where it is completely safe.
What if the pouch gets damaged?
The Yondr pouch belongs to Imhotep Institute Charter High School just like any other school supply. If a student damages a Yondr pouch, he/she will be held responsible. The student’s phone will be confiscated, and a parent must come to school to retrieve it.
About Yondr
Yondr began as a service for musical artists and comedians to create phone-free performance spaces. Yondr’s partners include: