Return To Play Policy
Imhotep Institute Charter High School
COVID-19 Athletics Return to Play
Information for the Student-Athlete and Parent/Guardian
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented athletics of all levels with many challenges. The Covid-19 virus is a very contagious disease that primarily attacks the upper respiratory system. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), children do get infected by Covid 19, however, children do not experience hospitalization at similar rates as adults. There have been some severe outcomes experienced by children. Children with mild or even may seem asymptomatic cases can spread the infection to others who may be far more vulnerable. While it is not possible to eliminate all risk of furthering the spread of Covid 19, the current science suggests there are many steps schools can take to reduce the risks to students, coaches and their families.
Imhotep Institute Charter High School will take the necessary steps to decrease the risk of spreading the virus. Imhotep is reviewing the recommendations and guidelines from our state and local governments, the CDC, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the PIAA. While it is true that COVID-19 recommendations change frequently, Imhotep Charter is committed to adjusting our procedures to decrease the risk of exposure for our staff, students and greater community.
Athletes, coaches, and staff will undergo a COVID-19 health screening prior to any practice, contest or team meeting. The purpose of the screening is to check for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
Athletes, coaches and staff will have temperatures taken daily prior to any practices or contest. A temperature of 100.4 or higher will cause that individual to be sent home.
Require student athletes to wash hands prior to and after all practices and contests. Hand sanitizer will be present at all practices and contests.
Promote all staff and students to wear face coverings. Student-athletes will not wear face coverings during competition and practices. Coaches are encouraged to reduce the length of practices.
Imhotep has increased the depth and frequency of cleaning and disinfecting all facilities.
Encourage social distancing through increased spacing, small groups and limited mixing between groups, if feasible
Educate athletes, coaches, and staff on health and safety protocols
Anyone who is sick must stay home
Plan in place if a student or employee
Regularly communicate and monitor developments with local authorities, employees and families regarding cases, exposures, and updates to policies and procedures
Athletes and coaches must provide their own water bottle for hydration.
Identify staff and students who may be at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
due to underlying medical conditions
No concessions stands during the pandemic
Levels of Participation
Level 1 (PA State Red)
Team Activities: No In person gatherings allowed. Athletes and coaches may communicate via online meetings (zoom, google meet etc.) Athletes may participate in individual home workouts including strength and conditioning.
All school facilities remain closed as per PA State guidelines.
Athletes and Coaches should abide by guidelines set forth by the local and state governments
Level 2 (PA State Yellow Phase)
Team activities may include: team meetings, open gym, weight training/conditioning, and individual skill development etc
Pre-workout Screening:
All coaches and students should be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to a workout. All Students and coaches should use the Imhotep Charter Covid-19 Screening Form (google Form)
Responses to screening questions for each student and coach shall be recorded and digitally stored so that there is a record for every participant
Any person with positive symptoms reported should not be allowed to take part in workouts and should contact his or her primary care provider. A clearance note will be required before returning to activities.
Limitations on Gatherings
No practices or other types of gatherings of more than 25 participants in Yellow phase or 250 participants in Green phase.
Social distance should be applied during practices and in locker rooms and gathering areas.
Facilities Cleaning:
Athletic facilities will be cleaned and disinfected prior to and after athletic activities daily.
Weight room equipment should be wiped down after an individual’s use
Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times in the weight room to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment surfaces
Physical Activity:
Lower risk sports practices may begin (track, sideline cheer)
Moderate and high risk sports (High: Football, cheerleading w stunts; Moderate: Basketball, 7 on 7 football) can begin modified practices. Practices should remain non-contact in Yellow phase. Should focus on individual skill development
Students should refrain from sharing towels or clothing.
Athletic equipment that may be used by multiple individuals (basketballs, footballs, shields etc) should be cleaned intermittently during practice and events
Hand sanitizer should be used periodically
Spotters for maximum weight lifts should wear mask
Students MUST bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
No water fountains or water coolers should be used.
Level 3 (PA State Green – PIAA approved)
Team activities may include: all moderate and high risk practices.
Pre-workout/Contest Screening:
Any person with positive symptoms reported should not be allowed to take part in workouts and should contact his or her primary care provider. A clearance note will be required before returning to activities.
Team attendance should be recorded.
Limitations on Gatherings:
Imhotep will follow State and City Guidelines
When not directly participating in practices or contests, social distancing should be considered and applied when able.
Facilities Cleaning:
Athletic facilities will be cleaned and disinfected prior to and after athletic activities daily.
Weight room equipment should be wiped down after an individual’s use
Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times in the weight room to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment surfaces
Physical Activity:
Low, Moderate and High Risk practices and Low and Moderate risk competitions may begin (As per State, PIAA and City guidelines)
Students should refrain from sharing towels or clothing.
Athletic equipment that may be used by multiple individuals (basketballs, footballs, shields etc) should be cleaned intermittently during practice and events
Hand sanitizer should be used periodically
Spotters for maximum weight lifts should wear mask
Students MUST bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
No water fountains or water coolers should be used.
Level 4 (PA State Green – multiple weeks)
Team activities include: High Risk sports may begin full person to person contact and competition.
Pre-workout/Contest Screening:
Any person with positive symptoms reported should not be allowed to take part in workouts and should contact his or her primary care provider. A clearance note will be required before returning to activities.
Team attendance should be recorded.
Limitations on Gatherings:
Imhotep will follow State and City Guidelines
When not directly participating in practices or contests, social distancing should be considered and applied when able.
Facilities Cleaning:
Athletic facilities will be cleaned and disinfected prior to and after athletic activities daily.
Weight room equipment should be wiped down after an individual’s use
Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times in the weight room to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment surfaces
Physical Activity:
Low, Moderate and High Risk practices and competitions may occur (As per State, PIAA and City guidelines)
Students should refrain from sharing towels or clothing.
Athletic equipment that may be used by multiple individuals (basketballs, footballs,
shields etc) should be cleaned intermittently during practice and events
Hand sanitizer should be used periodically
Spotters for maximum weight lifts should wear mask
Students MUST bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must not be shared.
No water fountains or water coolers should be used
Other Recommendations:
Modification for student/coach transportation to and from athletic events may be necessary. This may include:
Reducing the number of students/coaches on a bus
Wearing facial covering on a bus or van
Social distancing on a bus
Social distancing during Contests/Events/Activities
Sidelines/Bench – social distancing will need to be maintained on sidelines/bench area during contest and events, as deemed necessary by Imhotep Charter, state or local governments.
Who should be allowed at events?
Group people into tiers from essential to non-essential and decide which will be allowed at an event:
Tier 1 (essential) – athletes, coaches, officials, event staff, medical staff and security
Tier 2 (preferred) – Media
Tier 3 (non-essential) – parents, immediate family of participates. Must social distance
Tier 4 (non-essential) - other spectators, vendors
Only Tier 1 and Tier 2 personnel will be allowed to attend events until state/local governments and school administration agree to lift restrictions.
Changes to seating capacity and social distancing will be used during home games/contests once Tier 3 and Tier 4 are approved
What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The symptoms may range from mild to severe.
Symptoms may include:
● Fever or chills (100.4 or High)
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore Throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
What to do if you are sick?
If you are sick with COVID-19 or think you are infected with the virus, STAY AT HOME. It is essential that you take steps to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home or community. If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
● Notify the school immediately (principal, athletic director, athletic trainer, coach)
● It will be determined if others who may have been exposed (students, coaches, staff) need to be notified, isolated, and /or monitored for symptoms
● If a Positive case of COVID-19 is diagnosed, Contact Tracing will be implemented with the assistance of local health professionals and the CDC/PA DOH.
What to do if a student or staff become ill with COVID-19 symptoms during practice, event, or during transportation to or from an event?
● Every effort will be made to isolate the ill individual from others, until the student or staff member can leave the school or event
● If student, parent/guardian will be contacted immediately, and arrangements will be made for the student to be picked up
● Ill individual will be asked to contact their physician or appropriate healthcare professional for direction
Return of student or staff to athletics following a COVID-19 diagnosis?
● Student or staff should have medical clearance from their physician or appropriate healthcare professional, determined to be non-contagious, Fever free (without fever-reducing medicine), improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath), no vomiting or diarrhea.
Staff, Coaches, Parents and Athletes will be educated on the following (through posters, flyers, meetings, emails, phone calls):
● COVID-19 signs and symptoms
● Proper ways to limit exposure to COVID-19 (hand washing, cough in your elbow, disinfecting touched surfaces, social distancing, avoid touching eyes, nose, face and mouth, no spitting, gum chewing, etc.)
● No Handshakes/Celebrations (high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, hugging), etc. ● The content of this Return to Sport Guidelines Document
● Any pertinent COVID-19 information released by state/local governments, NFHS, and PIAA.
● students should come dressed for activity
● Limit indoor activities and the areas used.
● Student Athletes should remain with their assigned groups during each workout and during daily workouts to limit the number of people they come in contact with.
● No students allowed in training areas without the presence of an athletic trainer
ADOPTED this 13th day of July, 2020
Secretary: ________________________________________
Imhotep Charter School
COVID-19 Athletics Return to Play
Student-Athlete and Parent/Guardian Signature Form
What is COVID-19? Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a very contagious disease that primarily attacks the upper respiratory system.
Which activities require student-athletes and parents/guardians to sign and acknowledge this form?
All athletic activities including interscholastic athletics, any athletic contest or competition sponsored by or associated with the school
All cheerleading
All practices, skills training, weight lifting and scrimmages
What are symptoms of COVID-19?
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle Pain
Sore Throat
Loss of taste and smell
What should a student-athlete or family member do if they experience the above symptoms?
Stay home. Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and can recover at home without medical care. Do not leave your home, except to get medical care. Do not visit public areas.
Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen, to help you feel better.
Stay in touch with your doctor. Call before you get medical care. Be sure to get care if you have trouble breathing, or have any other emergency warning signs, or if you think it is an emergency.
Avoid public transportation, ridesharing, or taxis.
Acknowledgement of Risk
Playing a sport may involve close contact with another player and therefore risk contracting the virus. Imhotep Institute Charter HIgh School will not be held responsible for an athlete contracting COVID-19 through athletics, and the undersigned hereby release and hold Imhotep Institute Charter High School, its Board of Directors, employees, coaches, agents and volunteers harmless from the consequences of this disease to the athlete or to others.
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Student Athlete Name Student Athlete Signature Date
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date