MROP Overnight

MROP Overnight
Imhotep Charter High School (Males) April 25-26, 2023 {8:00am-6:00am}

Hotep Family!
Due to scheduling conflicts, the 11th-grade male overnight is postponed until April 25-26, 2023.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Below you will find information for activities that require the commitment of you and your students for their Rite of Passage 11th Grade Overnight Experience. Your scholar must participate as it is part of the socialization component of Imhotep Institute Charter High School. This is a mandatory class for graduation. Imhotep is an African Centered Community based Science and Technology School. Therefore, Rites of Passage and socialization activities are relevant and in alignment with the mission and goals of the school.
DATE CHANGE: (Males) April 25-26, 2023 {8:00am-6:00am}
Overnight Rites of Passage
What is the Rite of Passage?
A rite of passage marks the significant stages of growth that take place in a person’s life. This experience ushers in a new way of doing and being and helps to clarify one’s life calling or purpose. These intense educational and life experiences help guide people to an enlightened state of awareness about their potential and indwelling strengths. During this process, children must grow up in the company of elders to be their true and most authentic selves. They are educated, prepared, tested, and taught the mysteries of adulthood. This encouraged the ongoing development of self-awareness in young adults and gave them the tools to build strong, honest, and respectful relationships with peers, parents, and teachers. Through this self-awareness, they can mature as civilized Afrikans and embrace the true nature of their heritage.

What to expect for the Overnight?
The overnight experience allows students to work as a unit through team-building exercises, group discussions, and guidance from staff and presenters. Valuable lessons are taught to instill in students the importance of Umoja (Unity), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), and The Principles of Maat for the rest of their lives. We will incorporate the themes of Rite of Passage (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Cultural well-being) for students to become better citizens and assist them in their transition to adulthood. Upon completion of the Overnight process, students will have a better understanding of accountability, respect, loyalty, leadership, unity, and responsibility. Students should come to school dressed appropriately in all-black comfortable attire (new shoes are not recommended for team-building activities). Students should not wear jewelry, and females must come naturally, meaning: no makeup, eyelashes, false nails, nail polish, hair extensions, lipstick, eye shadow, etc. Lastly, bring items required for your personal needs.

What can you do to help?
Your donation of light, healthy snacks and refreshments, as well as your encouragement of your student to come prepared with an open mind and willingness to work in a team setting, is greatly appreciated. These items, such as apples, bananas, oranges, trail mix/almonds, and crackers, will assist in nourishing our young people as they venture through this journey of becoming socialized Africans. Please complete the attached form to select the items you can donate and return the form to Imhotep with your child.

Please place a quantity amount next to any item(s) you want to donate. Please donate perishable goods on the week of April 24th for freshness if you can. Items purchased will be for the collective. Please emphasize that there will be no junk food, i.e., chips, gum, juice, or soda allowed.

Signing this form gives your child permission to attend. This program is a mandatory requirement for Rite of Passage.

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