Imhotep NHS & Tabor Services Coat Drive Begins

- What
- Imhotep NHS & Tabor Services Coat Drive Begins
- When
- 11/8/2022, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Imhotep's Waset National Honor Society in Partnership with Tabor Services is sponsoring a
Coat and Winter Gear Drive and Giveaway!
You can drop off new and/or gently used Winter Gear (coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.. ) for children and adults from Nov. 7th to Nov. 18th. The Drop off Bin is located in the Main office! If you don't have any winter gear, you can make a monetary (cash) donation for us to purchase items for the giveaway. Please see Mama Michelle or NHS Member and Treasurer Ronald Brown to make a monetary donation!
Asante Sana
Waset National Honor Society